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Black and White Spider Awards

Honorable Mention at the 14th B&W Spider Awards for the photo "Bodywreck"



ImageNation Arles

Part of the exhibit ImageNation Arles at Voies Off Festival.


Article/Interview about my underwater works published on Anabasis.

PX3 Awards - Paris

Second Prize Winner at prestigious PX3 Awards in Paris!

No.3 Magazine

Publication on No. 3 Magazine, New York

We Are Drops

Part of the collective exhibition "We Are Drops" for the Earth Day 2018, Capo D'orlando.


Honorable Mention at Tokyo International Foto Awards 2017

Ethereal Exhibit

Invited to take part at the Ethereal - Dèmons et Mervilles exhibit in Paris. 11-12-13th May 2018

Best Selected Vol.1

Included into the Best Selected Vol.1 book.

IPOTY 2017

Honorable Mention for my photo “Hate or glory” at the prestigious International Photographer of the Year (IPOTY 2017) awards! Category: Fine Art.

Musèe Magazine

My photos on the Musée Magazine website as selected Weekend Portfolio


Selected artist for "Soqquadro" collective exhibit in Capo D'Orlando (ME).

Chromatic Awards

Honorable Mention at the Chromatic Photography Awards 2017 with the photo "Courbette".

MedOffContest 2017

Autore segnalato per il complesso delle opere presentate.

London Image Festival

"The Ephemeral" exhibited at the London Image Festival 2017.

Colapesce Bookshop

Exhibit at the Colapesce Bookshop, Messina.

12th Spider Awards

Nomination at the prestigious Black and White Spider Awards 12th edition.

Fotocult Magazin

A selection of my underwater works featured on Fotocult Magazin!

10th International Color Award

Included in the Winners video of the 10th International Color Awards, Fine Art Category.

Passporte Prize

Selected to be part of the online exhibit Passporte Prize for Surreal Photography Honoring Man Ray


Monovisions Photography Awards

Honorable Mention for my photo "Hate or glory" at Monovisions Photo Awards 2017

ClickMagazine cover

Cover for ClickMagazine 40.

"Corti Aperte"

20 photos exhibited at the CortiAperte event, Polistena (Reggio Calabria) 31.07.2017

"Fra stranianti silenzi"

Solo exhibition at the Spazio Espositivo di Francesco Siracusa Gallery, Agrigento. 14.07.2017 -  00.09.2017

MED Photo Contest

First prize as best author at the Med Photo Contest, during the 9th edition of Med Photo Festival

Soura Magazine

Article on Soura Magazine "the only photography magazine in the Middle East"

Cultura Colectiva

Beautiful article about my works on CULTURA COLECTIVA by Alfredo Alvarez

10th Color Awards

10th Annual International Color Awards: Honorable Mention in the category of Fine Art

The Journal vol.8

"hate or glory"  published in The Journal vol8
The Journal is a digital publication featuring curated collections of the award winning photography.


Selected as one of the few european to be exhibited at the Addis Foto Fest 2016, 15-20/12/2016 Addis Ababa - Ethiopia


3rd Place - Honor of Distinction in Fine Art at the prestigious 11TH ANNUAL BLACK AND WHITE SPIDER AWARDS. Photo: "Hate or glory"


12 pages publication on the beautiful IMAGE IN PROGRESS Magazine N°08. Inside you'll find a curated selection of my underwater works along with my "Artist Diary", Where I talk a little about my photography.

The Od Review

Beautiful article regarding my underwater photography by Collier Brown on his Od Review website!

MIFA 2016

SECOND PLACE at the prestigious Moscow International Foto Awards (MIFA) 2016 - Category: Fine art/Other. Photo: "We are all damned". Model: Elvis Francesco Skenderovic.

MIFA 2016

Honorable Mention at the prestigious Moscow International Foto Awards (MIFA) 2016. Category: Fine rt/Other. Photo: "Offering myself to the night"

SATURA International Contest

SECOND PRIZE at the Satura International Contemporary Art contest (category: photography) with one of my old infrared works. 

Sony World Photography Awards 2016

Photo "The Light Keeper" included in the exhibition at Willy-Brandt-Haus in Berlin, Germany - July 5 to September 30, 2016. Shown as part of the 2016 Sony World Photography Awards traveling exhibition! Model:dancer Elvis Francesco Skenderovic

The Beauty of Humanity

Included into the book "The beauty of Humanity" with the photo Jupiter Crash.

IPA 2016

Honoured of a SECOND PLACE at the International Photography Awards 2016 for my photo "The light keeper". Category: Self Promotion.


"Jupiter crash" published on FotoCult Magazine, June 2016

Sony World Photography Awards 2016

My photo "The light keeper" shortlisted at the Sony world Photography Awards 2016 

Color Awards 2015

Nominee at the 9Th Annual International Color Awards for my photo "Jupiter Crash".

Best Selected

My works published on BestSelected

Monochrome Awards 2015

 Honorable Mention for my photo "Hate or glory" at the Monochrome Awards 2015

The beauty of humanity

My photo "Jupiter Crash" included in the book "The beauty of humanity", a collection of photos exhibited at the SCOPE show, Miami 2015.

SCOPE Miami Beach

My work shown, along with other artists, in a big digital display at the SCOPE 2015 event in Miami Beach

LACDA - Snap to grid

one of my underwater works shown at the 12th Annual "Snap to Grid" Open Exhibit at LACDA (Los Angeles Center for Digital Art)

International Business Times Italia

Featured as "artist of the week" on International Business Times Italia

Beautiful Bizarre - Photogasm

included in the weekly Photogasm at Beautiful Bizarre Magazine with my photo "Sirenade"

MIFA awards 2015

Honorable Mention for my photo "Courbette" at the MOSCOW International Foto Awards ( MIFA ) 2015

Categories: Advertising - self promotion

MIFA awards 2015

Honorable Mention for my photo "hate or glory" at the MOSCOW International Foto Awards ( MIFA ) 2015

Categories: Advertising - self promotion

Beautiful Savage

Article on Beautiful Savage Magazine by Chad Saville.

BEAUTIFUL SAVAGE is a Williamsburg, Brooklyn-based magazine about art, fashion, and the creative lifestyle

THE EXPOSURE AWARD The Body Collection book

My photo "Hate or glory" included into the book

The Body Collection

The human form immortalized through photography.

"The photographs in this collection represent some of the most interesting work of the Fifth Annual Exposure Award"

"The photography presented within this collection was honoured at a private reception at the Louvre Museum, in Paris, July 13th, 2015"

International Photography Awards

Honorable Mention for my photo "THE HEART" at the International Photography Awards (IPA) 2015!
Categories Nature: Underwater

International Photography Awards

2 Honorable Mentions at the International Photography Awards (IPA) 2015! for my photo "hate or glory".
Categories "Fine art" and "Beauty"

Frequenza Zero Communications

Article on Frequenza Zero Communications by Lara Ferrara.

CAM N°51

Included into the Art Modern Catalog (CAM)  N°51.

release: november 2015

Photissima Art Fair 2015 Venice

Details and dates soon

Photissima Art Fair 2015 Milan

Details and dates soon

Exposure Awards 2015

Included in a digital display during the Exposure Awards event at the Louvre Museum in Paris.

BIPA 2015

My works selected to be shown as a video projection during the Barcelona International Photography Awards 2015.

Labirinto 34

Exhibit at the Labirinto 34 event  hosted by Collettivo Flock and Ossidi di Ferro. Barcellona P.G.

Photissima Art Fair 2014

4 photos displayed at Photissima Art Fair 2014. Turin, Italy

MIA Art Fair

Selected for Codice MIA Portfolio review.

Reviewers: Rudi Bianchi, Alessandro Malerba, Frank Boehm, Christian Marinotti.


My photo "the distance" selected to be shown on Organiconcrete website

Catalogo Arte Moderna

Upcoming (november 2014)

Rassegna Nuova Arte

Comunicato stampa - Press release

Castello Scaligero a Villafranca di Verona - dal 12 Aprile al 10 Giugno 2014

Catalogo Nuova Arte 2013

Just released. Giorgio Mondadori Editore

(english text in the "about" section)

Arte - issue 481 - September 2013 (Ita)

Semifinalist - Art Prize 2013

PON Photo and Video Award 2013

Jury mention

Digital Camera - issue n°124 - january 2013 (Ita)

Editor's selection for "the most beautiful photo" mission

Photo Professional Canon Edition - issue n°32 - july 2012 (Ita)

"Il lavoro di Salvo meriterebbe uno spazio maggiore, ma le esigenze di spazio mi hanno costretto a ridurre in modo più consistente le immagini pubblicate rispetto a quelle inviate. L'uso dell'infrarosso trova la sua dimensione logica nella letteratura che molto si rifà ai simboli dell'inconscio. Per questo adottare una tecnica di ripresa che sconvolge l'aspetto abituale del paesaggio permette di immergerci insieme a Salvo in atmosfere da sogno e in qualche caso da incubo, grazie ai cieli nerissimi e al fogliame che si fa bianco. Quello che vediamo è chiaramente riconoscibile, ma turba in quanto trasformato e forse in trasformazione. Entriamo così in contatto con le profondità dell'animo e con un buon uso dello strumento fotografia. Complimenti."

Sandro Iovine - Direttore della rivista "Il fotografo"

Exhibition flyer 2012

"Noiseless" exibit

PhotoPlus - issue n° 52 - september 2011 (Eng)

Editor's picks to promote POTY 2011

Exhibition flyer 2011

"From beyond" exibit

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